25 Events
Nordic workshop: Behaviour change for sustainable food consumption
What can be done to shift Nordic diets to become healthier and more sustainable? What policies can enable behaviour change among Nordic citizens to adopt better diets? Join us in this Nordic workshop for discussions and insights about measures that can facilitate change in people’s behaviour, as well as structural factors affecting the implementation of sustainable and healthy dietary guidelines. The purpose of this workshop is to provide insights on and discuss measures that can stimulate behavioral change among consumers when it comes to food choices and dietary habits, as well as contribute to implementation of the upcoming Nordic Nutrition Recommendations (NNR2022). Registration is now open. When registering, please indicate whether you will attend physically in Stockholm or online. Register here!
29 March 2023
- Workshop
FUME: Policy workshop on migration drivers and scenarios
Today, approximately 3.4% of the world’s population are international migrants – they have left the country they were born in and settled in a new country. Population growth, increased mobility through rising income in poorer countries, political unrest and climate change are among the factors that are expected to expand the group of people moving from one place to another. The question is, to what extent do these factors affect the motivation to migrate and the choice of destination? The policy workshop aims to gather researchers, policy makers and organisations engaged with the migration topic, to hear about the latest studies on migration drivers and scenarios, as well as contribute to the development of policy recommendations. Nordregio hosts the workshop which is a part of the Horizon 2020 project FUME – Future migration scenarios for Europe. FUME focuses on understanding the patterns, motivations and modalities of migration at multiple geographical scales, from international through regional to the local level, and on imagining possible futures scenarios of migration to Europe: https://futuremigration.eu/about-us/ Registration: Click here to register for the event Venue: Online Date and Time: 13 January 2023, 9:30 – 12:00 CET Length: 2 hours 15 min Preliminary programme INTRODUCTION PART 1 – MIGRATION DRIVERS PART 2 – DEVELOPMENT OF POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FUME Policy recommendationsTimothy Heleniak & Nora Sánchez Gassen, Nordregio Panel discussion: Next steps
13 January 2023
- Workshop
Agenda 2030: Workshops & matchmaking for Nordic municipalities in Stockholm
Agenda 2030 for municipalities: Welcome to Nordic matchmaking in Stockholm! We welcome Nordic municipalities to Stockholm 13-14 October to make this the decade of action! Whether you are just getting started or already well on the way with SDG implementation – join us for this two-day event of practical workshops, networking, and matchmaking activities. The aim is to take your SDG work to the next level through peer-to-peer learning! When: Thursday-Friday 13-14 October, 2022 (lunch to lunch) Where: Stockholm, Nordregio's premises Whom: Representatives from municipalities and regions working with Agenda 2030 Price: Free of charge. Travel reimbursements are available for participation in matchmaking activities. Organizers: Nordregio, in collaboration with SKR/ Glokala Sverige, KS, KL, Kuntaliitto and Samband PROGRAMME 13 October workshops: No PowerPoint marathons but hands-on workshops – bring your laptops! Based on our summer survey, the topics will include: governance and steering, citizen and other stakeholder engagement, indicators and monitoring, climate policies and the SDGs. There is still room for more ideas so let us know in the registration form. The workshops will be followed by social events in the evening, including dinner and inspirational talks. 14 October matchmaking: On the second day, we will continue with in-depth matchmaking activities; This is a unique opportunity for municipalities to build relationships with other Nordic municipalities and enable mutual learning and collaboration. Register for the workshops and matchmaking session by the 26th of September via the link below. There is a limited number of places available, so the “first come – first served” principle applies. Nordregio confirms all registrations within a few days. If you are not able to join us 13-14 October, but interested in the matchmaking activities which will continue in 2023, please fill in the registration form and tick the suitable box. You may still be able to join the process. REGISTER: https://www.lyyti.in/Agenda_2030_Workshops_matchmaking_for_Nordic_municipalities_in_Stockholm_3991 Why join the matchmaking?…
13 - 14 October 2022
- Workshop
Nordregio at the Finnish Rural Parliament 2021
The Finnish Rural Parliament is Finland’s largest Festival of Ideas, and it is organized in collaboration with local actors and coordinated by the Rural Policy Committee. Nordregio joins the festival with a set of four workshops bridging the local level rural development to the EU level. Join and get your thoughts heard! The Finnish Rural Parliament shapes a sustainable future and influences the national rural policy. It also offers an opportunity to explore the diversity of the Finnish countryside, and at the core lies the possibility to create a dialogue between people of different ages and from different backgrounds. The Rural Parliament is attended by NGO activists and village developers, entrepreneurs, researchers and experts, financers and policy-makers. The event brings up-to-date knowledge on rural areas, rural development tools and makers of the future to the same place. The programme will be organised in virtual format, with some of it taking place in multiple locations. SHERPA project workshops moderated by Nordregio: 28th September: Diversification of the rural economy: entrepreneurship, employment and new business models Bioeconomy and sustainable management of resources (Mats Stjernberg, Michael Kull, Senior Research Fellows) 29th September: SHERPA ur ett svenskspråkigt perspektiv (Mats Stjernberg, Michael Kull, Senior Research Fellows, Karen Refsgaard, Research Director, and Louise Ormstrup Vestergård, Research Fellow) Smart rurality, smart communities and digitalisation (Mats Stjernberg, Michael Kull, Senior Research Fellows) Everybody can join in virtually! Language of the Conference – Finnish. Register for the event here. Read more about the Finnish Rural Parliament here.
28 - 30 September 2021
- Workshop
ReGeneration 2030 Summit
Regeneration 2030 Summit invites youth from the Nordic and the Baltic regions to exchange ideas on how to promote Sustainable Development Goals locally. Among other participants, Nordregio’s researcher Alberto Giacometti will present the BeUbio platform and stories of young persons across the Baltic Sea Region leading the way to sustainability from different sectors and industries. ReGeneration 2030 is a movement led by teenagers and young adults in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Regions making the United Nations Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs) become reality. The summit invites to get to know like-minded youth, to hear inspiring speakers and learn about initiatives from all over the region, to get tools and frameworks that will help you identify challenges and come up with solutions, to start taking action in your community. Nordregio is a part of the BeUBio project that aims to promote youth involvement across the Baltic Sea Region for transition to a bio-based economy, and create synergies with other actors and initiatives addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In the BeUBio platform you can find stories of young people whose business ideas, jobs and other activities lead the way towards a different and more sustainable economic path. Some of these young leaders will be participating in the Regeneration 2030 Summit to share their experience, both their achievements and challenges. Panel “Young people leading the way to a sustainable economy” August 20, 16:30-17:30 Juan Medina, Denmark: founded Kaffe Bueno to explore the infinite possible uses coffee grounds, extending its life cycle, reducing environmental degradation, and helping a community of women in his hometown in Colombia. Anastasia Selezneva, St Petersburg, Russia: initiated Green Glass, a studio where to create decorations and art installations from recycled glass. She is also organising events to educate groups on SDGs in St Petersburg. Māra Lieplapa, Latvia:…
20 - 21 August 2020
- Conferences
- Seminars
- Workshop
ESPON Workshop: The future of the Baltic Sea Region
How regions and cities in the Baltic Sea region will possibly look like in 2050? How can territorial scenarios assist strategic/territorial planning? Organisation: Nordregio, in collaboration with ESPON. On behalf of the ESPON BT2050 project, Nordregio is inviting planners, regional and local authorities and policy coordinators to the ESPON workshop on the future of the Baltic Sea region which will focus on the results of ESPON BT2050 project. The seminar/workshop is mainly targeted to the practitioners working in the Baltic Sea region, within Maritime Spatial Planning, as well as the Policy Areas and Horizontal Areas Coordinators of the EUSBSR. The seminar/workshop takes place on the 5th of March, 2020 at Nordregio’s premises in Stockholm, Sweden. Due to the limited capacity (50 participants), the registration to the event is required. Agenda (preliminary) 9:30 – 10:00 Registration & welcome coffee 10:00 – 10:20 Opening & Welcome 10:20 – 11:00 The territorial development of the BSR 11:00 – 11:40 Maritime Spatial Planning in the BSR 11:45 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00- 15:00 Role-playing session: Making futures together 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 – 16:00 The BT2050 territorial scenarios 16:00 – 17:30 Interactive session: How can the BT2050 territorial scenarios inform your work? 17:30 – 18:30 Main conclusions of the day and networking 18:30 – 19.30 Mingle
05 March 2020
- Workshop
Matcha utmaningarna i ditt lantbruk med enkla digitala verktyg
Föreläsningar, företagsmöten och workshop på temat: Hur kan digital teknik bäst gynna landsbygdsföretag inom areella näringar? Välkommen 8 Oktober, kl 13-16 till Vingåker Folkets park (Vingåkers kommun). Workshop är för mikro och småföretagare (1-49 anställda), som redan proaktivt arbetar med digitalisering eller är villiga att börja använda digitala lösningar, samt tjänstepersoner vid kommunala och regionala myndigheter. Program: 13.00 Välkommen (Vingåkers kommun) 13.05 Digitalisering inom areella näringar i Sörmland (LRF Sörmland) 13.15 Patrik från företaget IndesmaTech ger oss exempel från det digitala lantbrukets utveckling i Europa 13.30 Marcus från företaget Sensapp ger exempel på enkla digitala lösningar anpassade för lantbrukets förutsättningar och utmaningar 13.40 Nordregio: Landsbygdens digitalisering i Norden 13.55 Workshop/rundabordssamtal lett av Nordregio. Övergripande frågor vi diskuterar: • Hur används digitala lösningar i ditt företag idag (sociala medier för marknadsföring eller Internet of Things)? • Vilka är möjligheterna länkade till att använda digitala lösningar i ditt företag och den ekonomiska sektorn du representerar? • Hjälper digitala lösningar att överkomma utmaningar som finns i att bedriva företag på landsbygden? I så fall, hur? • Vilka är de primära utmaningarna för att implementera digitala lösningar och verktyg i ditt företag (till ex. kunskap, tillgång till finansiering, dålig uppkoppling, regler)? • Vilken typ av stöd behöver du för att öka digitaliseringen av ditt företag? 14.50 Uppsummering och hur vi tar det vidare (Nordregio) 15.00 – 16.00 Fika och mingel med företag som erbjuder digitala tjänster Om workshopen Syftet med denna workshop är ökad kunskap och insikter om de möjligheter och utmaningar som mikro- och småföretag på landsbygden möter i användandet av digitala lösningar och teknik. Workshopen syftar också till att identifiera vilken typ av stöd som företag behöver för att ta tillvara möjligheterna med digitalisering. Hur kan lokala och regionala förvaltningsmyndigheter (kommun, region, län, landsting) stötta landsbygdsföretag i digitaliseringsprocessen? Både företagsrepresentanter och representanter från kommunala/regionala…
08 October 2019
- Workshop
Maritime Spatial Planning Forum – Global meets Regional
Nordregio together with partners from the Pan Baltic Scope project invite you to join the Maritime Spatial Planning Forum, which will take place on 19-21 November in Riga, Latvia. This time, the Maritime Spatial Planning Forum will be a platform where global MSP will meet the regional MSP. As a joint event of the 4th edition of the EU MARE/IOC-UNESCO MSP Forum and the 3rd Baltic MSP Forum, it will also conclude the results of Pan Baltic Scope project and discusses how these could be used in future and brought beyond the EU. Interactive workshops, plenaries and key-notes will give an opportunity to look at different MSP practices and solutions on a broader scale. Thus, the global aspect will be an added value throughout the whole event. The activities will highlight synergies between global and regional MSP initiatives while showcasing specific examples of good practices. The forum is organised by VASAB, the Pan Baltic Scope collaboration, IOC-UNESCO & EC DG MARE. For the latest updates, check the Pan Baltic Scope website: http://www.panbalticscope.eu/mspforum/ Join the MSP Forum in Riga to expand your MSP network and knowledge – regional solutions for global challenges!
19 - 21 November 2019
- Conferences
- Other
- Workshop
Cross border meeting: Better maritime planning – towards a shared future, together
Nordregio invites experts working with fisheries, energy, spatial planning and local development to participate at the cross-border meeting which will take place on 26-27 March, in Umeå, Sweden. The aim of the event is to increase awareness and knowledge of cross-border blue growth issues and needs, and also to facilitate international collaboration between maritime spatial planners. The cross-border meeting is organized by the Pan Baltic Scope project partners. Find more information about the event here.
26 - 27 March 2019
- Project meetings
- Workshop
The 1st Nunataryuk general assembly and a workshop
The 1st Nunataryuk general assembly and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Young Researchers workshop takes place 30 September – 6 October 2018, in Venice, Italy. Nordregio researchers Timothy Heleniak, Leneisja Jungsberg, Eeva Turunen, and Shinan Wang will participate in both events. Permafrost thaw is exposing these coasts to rapid change, change that threatens the rich biodiversity, puts pressure on communities and contributes to the vulnerability of the global climate system. Nunataryuk will determine the impacts of thawing coastal and subsea permafrost on the global climate, and will develop targeted and co-designed adaptation and mitigation strategies for the Arctic coastal population. Nordregio is responsible for developing a socio-economic atlas for measuring the impact of permafrost thaw on Arctic settlements and will present preliminary results. The meetings are co-hosted by the Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes and held at the premises of the Venice International University on the island of San Servolo in the Venetian Lagoon, between Venice city centre and the island of Lido. More information about the project can be found at: https://nunataryuk.org/.
30 - 06 October 2018
- Conferences
- Project meetings
- Workshop
Conflicts and Synergies in Maritime Spatial Planning
Nordregio hosts a one-day workshop that focuses on different types of conflicts and synergies in maritime spatial planning (MSP). The workshop will contribute to the development of a report for the BONUS Basmati project. Partners from the BONUS Basmati project will gather to discuss and identify conflicts and look for synergies and solutions that (might) emerge and can be identified in the three case studies. They will also explore ways of including governance analysis and marine stakeholders (authorities and users) into practical case study work. In addition to that, invited MSP planners and experts* will give concrete examples on conflicts and synergies and explain some of the tools and methods they developed and applied to come to solutions. *Susanne Gustafsson, Swedish Agency for Marine & Water Management & Pan Baltic Scope project *Daniel Depellegrin Italian National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences
20 September 2018
- Workshop